Editor’s Notes

Dear Readers,

We're ending the year with a poetry extravaganza: nine poems for your pleasure and edification. I hope you enjoy the issue. Thanks to all who submitted poems and who contributed to the issue.

On behalf of the Bywords team, I want to thank you for supporting our literary endeavour once again this year. 2016 has been a turbulent year in many ways, but one thing that has remained steadfast and gratifying has been your support. In return, if you have found the calendar useful or discovered a call for submission or a workshop from the news or sent us poems, we've done our jobs.

Bywords is a grass-roots organization that relies on volunteers and the community-at-large to fill its digital pages. We need thriving literary, spoken-word, and storytelling scenes to be able to have useful and informative content for the site. We also need a city that supports the arts and meets its funding commitments. Bywords.ca is grateful for the City funding we received in 2016.

Thanks to our selection committee this month:

Wes Babcock
Robert Martin Evans
Jason Lamantia
Anne LeDressay
Fiona Mitchell
Kemisha Newman
Carol A. Stephen
JC Sulzenko

Please have a wonderful and enriching winter solstice. On behalf of all of us at Bywords.ca, I wish you peace, love and understanding in 2017.

If you have questions, comments, suggestions, or rum-filled mugs of eggnog to offer, please e-mail me at amanda@bywords.ca.

Amanda Earl

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