Editor’s Notes

Greetings Dear Readers,

Welcome to the September issue of Bywords.ca. The four poems this month offer a moon full of grief, a dead gopher, ashes, and accidental peaches. Please enjoy the poetry.

Autumn is soon upon us with cooler temperatures and more than enough reason to stay indoors and cocoon, with the pandemic still raging throughout the world. If you are in Ottawa, you can either go in person or order books online from Perfect Books, which has recently enlarged its space, Octopus Books, Singing Pebble Books and Books on Beechwood to stock up on poetry for the hibernation to come.

Check out the calendar for virtual events this month, which include the Tree Reading Series first reading of the season on September 21, hosted by former Ottawa resident, Brandon Wint. Bywords.ca selector Margo LaPierre offers a workshop at 7pm, followed by an open mic and featured poets, Natalie Wee and Chimwemwe Undi.

In Our Tongues Reading and Art Series begins its third season with Titilope Sonuga, Yolande Laroche (Mal/Aimé) And Joseph A.Dandurand. There are also many fiction and nonfiction virtual events brought to you by the Ottawa International Writers Festival, including podcast episodes.

Thanks to our selection committee this month:

Jesse Aubin
Ellen Chang-Richardson
Dan Boland
Margo Lapierre
Stephanie Mason
Kemisha Newman
Jade Riordan
Marjorie Silverman
Carol A. Stephen
JC Sulzenko

If you have comments, questions, suggestions or a hot mug of cider to offer, please e-mail me at amanda@bywords.ca.

Amanda Earl

Managing Editor

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